Fitness Classes
The Northern offers a busy timetable of innovative and motivational fitness classes to suit all ages and abilities. Full membership gives access to all of the classes listed below.
Fitness schedule
Class information
Bands, 'Bells, & 'Balls
A full Body & Core Toning class using Pilates Bands, Studio Dumbbells & Fitball exercises to provide a rounded workout, often targeting those smaller muscles less used in heavier weights classes.
Bootcamp For Strength
Join the next generation – Strength Training using timed blocks for sets of exercises to push you a little harder.
Dynamic workout incorporating basic ‘boxercise type’ punching techniques and pad work. May be coupled with bodyweight cardio & Core exercises. Great for the cardiovascular system, body control, balance and co-ordination…. note this is not boxing training!
A full body workout based on a range of dance styles from around the world, as well as eras, with easy to follow steps- created by Darcey Bussell.
Fitband - Total Tone
A low impact class combining cardiovascular and conditioning, using the resistance bands and some weights – please bring your own bands if you have them.
Warm-up exercises followed by 30-35 minutes of high intensity cardio intervals, followed by a cool-down stretch. Although largely bodyweight we also use some light dumbbells, kettlebells, and studio benches.
Inside The Box
Traditional Japanese karate training. A class to develop your fitness and confidence. Suitable for all ages and abilities. Further details at Members are also invited to attend.
Karate (External class)
Weights and movement based class working on all aspects of fitness within your own floor space. A full body workout without the higher intensity of a HIIT class.
Kettlebell Bootcamp
Get Fitter, Get Stronger Get Leaner – Full Body Resistance, Core & Bodyweight sessions with a mix of kettlebell exercises. Choice of exercises is instructor’s – choice of kettlebell(s) weight is yours!
This class involve rapid movements from floor to feet, as well as heart-rate raising resistance exercises.
Legs, Tums & Bums
A class to condition the whole body. Incorporating separate sets of exercises designed to tone and strengthen, targeting the lower body, upper body, tummy and core. Options to add some upper body exercises if desired. Suitable for all levels.
Improved flexibility, posture, strength, balance and circulation. Body awareness, reduce stress, relieve tension & boost energy.
Reps & Sets
A ‘by the body parts’ weights class with Lisa Pilkington, using the adjustable weight studio barbells. Typically 2 or more consecutive & different exercises to work each muscle group(s) multiple times during the session.
S&C Centre - Circuits
Multi-station exercise class with attendees rotating around between the stations. Full body workout using the new Strength & Conditioning area of the club.
Studio Cycling
An intensive 40 minute session combining a variety of studio cycling techniques, followed by a cool-down & stretching exercises.
Studio Cycling + Core exercises
High Intensity Studio Cycling class for around 35-37 minutes, followed by 8-10 minutes on a mat with Core Exercises and some final stretches at the end.
Studio Cycling SQT
45 minutes of Structured Quality Training drills to burn calories as well as rapidly improving strength and fitness.
Tai Chi
An art embracing the mind, body and spirit – Originating in ancient China, Tai Chi is one of the most effective exercises for health of mind and body. Although an art with great depth of knowledge and skill, it can be easy to learn and soon delivers its health benefits. For many, it continues as a lifetime journey.
Total Tone
Incorporating separate sets of exercises designed to tone and strengthen, targeting the lower body, upper body, and core. This class is similar to the evening Legs, Bums & Tums class. Suitable for all levels.
Total Tone - Body Conditioning
An Upper & Lower body workout, as well as bodyweight only and Core exercises to provide a mid-range all-over body exercise class – enjoyable and sociable!
Assorted types dependent on the class/instructor: Yin Yoga using longer holds by David, or Vinyasa / Vinyasa Flow with the other instructors.
Power Yoga
Increase your stamina, strength and flexibility with Power Yoga. This slightly faster paced style of yoga will focus more on making you stronger, helping you to leave class feeling energised and invigorated.
Dance your way to a fitter you with exciting and unique Latin moves and rhythms/Strong Every beat has a move. And every move has a beat. The music in STRONG by Zumba® was reverse-engineered so that every squat, every lunge, every move is perfectly synced to the music, making your workout more efficient than ever
Zumba Gold – (External Hire)
Fit for the young at heart – get active with great people at the dance party workout that moves at your pace. This is an external hire so a chargeable class even of Northern members.
Zoom classes: only 1 (Friday lunchtime) is a Zoom only class – all our other Zoom classes are live streamed Studio classes – this mainly applies to Pilates and Yoga.
Meet our Instructors

Did you know a full membership gives you access to all facilities at the Northern?
Full membership starting at £31
(Under 25 and Under 30 memberships also available)
Contact & Location
0161 445 3093
The Northern
Palatine Road, West Didsbury,
Manchester, M20 3YA
View a map
Book Online / In-App
Members can book online, call reception on 0161 445 3093 or via The Northern App.