… concerning our facility development, we would firstly like to thank all those members who were able to join us for the session.
For the wider membership we can confirm that we have submitted a planning application for Phase 1a of our development for the provision of three new outdoor floodlit courts (above left). We hope to submit planning for phase 1b of the development for the provision of two padel tennis courts (above right) next week.
If all goes well with the planning applications we would hope that these facilities are complete around April and July of next year.
We are also working on phase 2 of the development which is the provision of covered indoor tennis courts. Currently we are finalising a financial plan against the planning approved scheme which, given current market volatility, is providing some challenges. However, since the Members’ Forum we have received some more positive pricing information from our cost consultant around the capital cost of the scheme.
The development sub-committee will continue to develop phase 2 and will provide an update in the coming months, including further Member Forum sessions to provide an update to members and to collectively consider the available options and next steps.
The committee are committed to bring increased indoor tennis to the Northern as part of the next section of our development plans and we look forward to sharing these developments in future communications